Practical DDD in Golang: Domain Event

- 9 minutes read - 1901 words

The tale of DDD in Go advances by introducing a fundamental building block that mirrors real-world events — the Domain Event.

In many cases, Entities are the most effective means of representing elements in Domain-Driven Design. Together with Value Objects, they can provide a precise reflection of our Problem Domain. However, sometimes, the most apt way to depict a Problem Domain is by employing events that transpire within it. In my experience, I increasingly attempt to identify events and then discern the Entities associated with them. Although Eric Evans didn’t cover the Domain Event pattern in the first edition of his book, today, it’s challenging to fully develop the domain layer without incorporating events.

The Domain Event pattern serves as a representation of such occurrences within our code. We employ it to elucidate any real-world event that holds relevance for our business logic. In the contemporary business landscape, virtually everything is connected to some form of event.

It can be anything

Domain Events can encompass a wide range of occurrences, but they must adhere to certain rules. The first rule is that they are immutable. To support this characteristic, I consistently utilize private fields within Event structs, even though I’m not particularly fond of private fields and getters in Go. However, Events typically don’t require many getters. Additionally, a specific Event can only occur once. This implies that we can create an Order Entity with a particular Identity only once, and consequently, our code can only trigger the Event that describes the creation of that Order once. Any other Event related to that Order would be a different type of Event, pertaining to a distinct Order. Each Event essentially narrates something that has already taken place, representing the past. This means we trigger the OrderCreated Event after we have already created the Order, not before.

Global Events

type Event interface {
	Name() string

type GeneralError string

func (e GeneralError) Name() string {
	return "event.general.error"

Order Event

type OrderEvent interface {
	OrderID() uuid.UUID

type OrderDispatched struct {
	orderID uuid.UUID

func (e OrderDispatched) Name() string {
	return "event.order.dispatched"

func (e OrderDispatched) OrderID() uuid.UUID {
	return e.orderID

type OrderDelivered struct {
	orderID uuid.UUID

func (e OrderDelivered) Name() string {
	return ""

func (e OrderDelivered) OrderID() uuid.UUID {
	return e.orderID

type OrderDeliveryFailed struct {
	orderID uuid.UUID

func (e OrderDeliveryFailed) Name() string {
	return ""

func (e OrderDeliveryFailed) OrderID() uuid.UUID {
	return e.orderID

The code example provided above demonstrates simple Domain Events. This code represents just one of countless ways to implement them in Go. In certain situations, such as with GeneralError, I have employed straightforward strings as Event representations. However, there are instances when I’ve utilized more complex objects or extended the base Event interface with a more specific one to introduce additional methods, as seen with OrderEvent.

It’s worth noting that the Domain Event, as an interface, doesn’t require the implementation of any specific methods. It can take on any form you find suitable. As mentioned earlier, I sometimes use strings, but essentially, anything can serve as an adequate representation. Occasionally, for the sake of generalization, I still declare the Event interface.

The Old Friend

The Domain Event pattern, fundamentally, is another manifestation of the Observer pattern. The Observer pattern identifies key roles, including Publisher, Subscriber (or Observer), and, naturally, Event. The Domain Event pattern operates on the same principles. The Subscriber, often referred to as the EventHandler, is a structure that should react to a specific Domain Event to which it has subscribed. The Publisher, in this context, is a structure responsible for notifying all EventHandlers when a particular Event occurs. The Publisher serves as the entry point for triggering any Event and contains all the EventHandlers. It offers a straightforward interface for any Domain Service, Factory, or other objects that wish to publish a particular Event.

Observer pattern in practice

type EventHandler interface {
	Notify(event Event)

type EventPublisher struct {
	handlers map[string][]EventHandler

func (e *EventPublisher) Subscribe(handler EventHandler, events ...Event) {
	for _, event := range events {
		handlers := e.handlers[event.Name()]
		handlers = append(handlers, handler)
		e.handlers[event.Name()] = handlers

func (e *EventPublisher) Notify(event Event) {
	for _, handler := range e.handlers[event.Name()] {

The code snippet presented above encompasses the remainder of the Domain Event pattern. The EventHandler interface defines any structure that should respond to a particular Event. It contains only one Notify method, which expects the Event as an argument.

The EventPublisher struct is more intricate. It offers the general Notify method, which is responsible for informing all EventHandlers subscribed to a specific Event. Another function, Subscribe, enables any EventHandler to subscribe to any Event. The EventPublisher struct could be less complex; instead of allowing EventHandler to subscribe to a particular Event using a map, it could manage a simple array of EventHandlers and notify all of them for any Event.

In general, we should publish Domain Events synchronously in our domain layer. However, there are occasions when I want to trigger them asynchronously, for which I employ Goroutines.

Observer pattern with goroutines

type Event interface {
	Name() string
	IsAsynchronous() bool

type EventPublisher struct {
	handlers map[string][]EventHandler

func (e *EventPublisher) Notify(event Event) {
	if event.IsAsynchronous() {
		go e.notify(event) // runs code in separate Go routine
	e.notify(event) // synchronous call

func (e *EventPublisher) notify(event Event) {
	for _, handler := range e.handlers[event.Name()] {

The example above illustrates one variation for asynchronously publishing Events. To accommodate both approaches, I frequently define a method within the Event interface that later informs me whether the Event should be fired synchronously or not.


My biggest dilemma was determining the right place to create an Event. To be honest, I created them everywhere. The only rule I followed was that stateful objects could not notify the EventPublisher. Entities, Value Objects, and Aggregates are stateful objects. From that perspective, they should not contain the EventPublisher inside them, and providing it as an argument to their methods always seemed like messy code to me. I also do not use stateful objects as EventHandlers. If I need to perform an action with some Entity when a specific Event occurs, I create an EventHandler that contains a Repository. Then, the Repository can provide an Entity that needs to be adapted. Still, creating Event objects inside a method of an Aggregate is acceptable. Sometimes, I create them within an Entity’s method and return them as a result. Then, I use stateless structures like Domain Service or Factory to notify the EventPublisher.

Order Aggregate

type Order struct {
	id uuid.UUID
	// some fields
	isDispatched    bool
	deliveryAddress Address

func (o Order) ID() uuid.UUID {

func (o *Order) ChangeAddress(address Address) Event {
	if o.isDispatched {
		return DeliveryAddressChangeFailed{
			orderID: o.ID(),
	// some code
	return DeliveryAddressChanged{
		orderID: o.ID(),

Order Service

type OrderService struct {
	repository OrderRepository
	publisher  EventPublisher

func (s *OrderService) Create(order Order) (*Order, error) {
	result, err := s.repository.Create(order)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// update Adrress in DB
		orderID: result.ID(),

	return result, err

func (s *OrderService) ChangeAddress(order Order, address Address) {
	evt := order.ChangeAddress(address)

	s.publisher.Notify(evt) // publishing of events only inside stateless objects

In the example above, the Order Aggregate provides a method for updating delivery addresses. The result of that method may be an Event. This means that Order can create some Events, but that’s its limit. On the other hand, OrderService can both create Events and publish them. It can also fire Events that it receives from Order while updating the delivery address. This is possible because it contains EventPublisher.

Events on other layers

We can listen to Domain Events in other layers, like the application, presentation, or infrastructure layers. We can also define separate Events that are dedicated only to those layers. In those cases, we are not dealing with Domain Events. A simple example is Events in the Application Layer. After creating an Order, in most cases, we should send an Email to the customer. Although it may seem like a business rule, sending emails is always application-specific. In the example below, there is a simple code with EmailEvent. As you may guess, an Email can be in many different states, and transitioning from one state to another is always performed during some Events.

The Domain Layer

type Email struct {
	id uuid.UUID
	// some fields

type EmailEvent interface {
	EmailID() uuid.UUID

type EmailSent struct {
	emailID uuid.UUID

func (e EmailSent) Name() string {
	return ""

func (e EmailSent) EmailID() uuid.UUID {
	return e.emailID

The Application Layer

type EmailHandler struct{
	// some fields

func (e *EmailHandler) Notify(event Event) {
	switch actualEvent := event.(type) {
	case EmailSent:
		// do something

Sometimes we want to trigger a Domain Event outside of our Bounded Context. These Domain Events are internal to our Bounded Context but are external to other contexts. Although this topic is more related to Strategic Domain-Driven Design, I will briefly mention it here. To publish an Event outside of our Microservice, we may use a messaging service like SQS.

Send Events to SQS

import (
	// some imports

type EventSQSHandler struct {
	svc *sqs.SQS

func (e *EventSQSHandler) Notify(event Event) {
	data := map[string]string{
		"event": event.Name(),

	body, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {

	_, err = e.svc.SendMessage(&sqs.SendMessageInput{
		MessageBody: aws.String(string(body)),
		QueueUrl:    &e.svc.Endpoint,
	if err != nil {

In the code snippet above, you can see the EventSQSHandler, a simple struct in the infrastructure layer. It sends a message to the SQS queue whenever a specific Event occurs, publishing only the Event names without specific details. When it comes to publishing internal Events to the outside world, we may also listen to external Events and map them to internal ones. To achieve this, I always provide a Service on the infrastructure layer that listens to messages from the outside.

Catch Events from SQS

type SQSService struct {
	svc       *sqs.SQS
	publisher *EventPublisher
	stopChannel chan bool

func (s *SQSService) Run(event Event) {
	eventChan := make(chan Event)

	for {

		select {
		case event := <-eventChan:
		case <-s.stopChannel:
			break MessageLoop


func (s *SQSService) Stop() {
	s.stopChannel <- true

func (s *SQSService) listen(eventChan chan Event) {
	go func() {
		message, err := s.svc.ReceiveMessage(&sqs.ReceiveMessageInput{
			// some code
		var event Event
		if err != nil {
			event = NewGeneralError(err)
		} else {
			// extract message

		eventChan <- event

The example above illustrates the SQSService within the infrastructure layer. This service listens to SQS messages and maps them to internal Events when possible. While I haven’t used this approach extensively, it has proven valuable in scenarios where multiple Microservices need to respond to events like Order creation or Customer registration.


Domain Events are essential constructs in our domain logic. In today’s business world, everything is closely tied to specific events, making it a good practice to describe our Domain Model using events. The Domain Event pattern is essentially an implementation of the Observer pattern. While it can be created within various objects, it is best fired from stateless ones. Additionally, other layers can also make use of Domain Events or implement their own event mechanisms.

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