Golang Release 1.21: slices - Part 2

- 11 minutes read - 2295 words

How to use the new package in Go standard library to sort slices efficiently.

With the release of Go 1.21, the Go standard library introduced several new features. While we’ve already discussed some of them in previous articles, in this episode, we’ll dive into more advanced enhancements. Naturally, we’ll focus on the new functions designed for sorting slices, which are part of the new slices package. This article will provide a deeper look into the implementation of these three new functions and touch on benchmarking as well.


The Sort function is the first one we’d like to explore. This implementation is built upon the enhanced Pattern-defeating Quicksort, positioning it as one of the best-known unstable sorting algorithms. Don’t worry; we will discuss this “instability” aspect in this article. But first, let’s take a look at the function’s signature:

Sort function

func Sort[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S)

As we’ve seen in some other articles, nearly all improvements in the Go standard library are built upon generics, a feature introduced in Go version 1.18, almost three years ago. Similar to other functions, the Sort function also expects a slice of a generic type as an argument, where each item must adhere to the Ordered constraint. The function doesn’t return a new value but sorts the original slice in place. Below, you’ll find some basic examples:

Sort function examples

ints := []int{1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 9}
// Output:
// 1 2 3 5 5 7 9

ints2 := []int{9, 7, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1}
// Output:
// 1 2 3 5 5 7 9

floats := []float64{9, 3, 5, 7, 1, 2, 5}
// Output:
// 1 2 3 5 5 7 9

strings := []string{"3", "9", "2", "5", "1", "7", "5"}
// Output:
// 1 2 3 5 5 7 9

In the example above, we can observe the result of the Sort method. All the outputs consist of sorted slices, arranged in ascending order. However, what makes this function particularly intriguing is its ability to handle various data types using a single function, distinguishing it from the implementations we already possess in the sort package. Now that we’ve examined the results, let’s proceed to compare the performance benchmarks with the existing package.


In this section, we aim to evaluate the performance of the new function by comparing it to the already existing sort package. Below, you’ll find the benchmark test results:

Benchmark test cases

const cases = 1000
const size = 100000

var randomInts = (func() [][]int {
	var result [][]int

	for i := 1; i <= cases; i++ {
		result = append(result, makeRandomInts(size))

	return result

var sortedInts = (func() [][]int {
	var result [][]int

	for i := 1; i <= cases; i++ {
		result = append(result, makeSortedInts(size))

	return result

var reversedInts = (func() [][]int {
	var result [][]int

	for i := 1; i <= cases; i++ {
		result = append(result, makeReversedInts(size))

	return result

func makeRandomInts(n int) []int {
	ints := make([]int, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		ints[i] = rand.Intn(n)
	return ints

func makeSortedInts(n int) []int {
	start := rand.Intn(n)
	ints := make([]int, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		ints[i] = start + i
	return ints

func makeReversedInts(n int) []int {
	start := rand.Intn(n)
	ints := make([]int, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		ints[i] = start - i
	return ints

First and foremost, we need to create our test cases, as shown in the example above. Here, we provide three functions for generating test cases: one with randomly distributed integers in slices, another with already sorted slices, and a third with reversely sorted slices. It’s crucial to note that before the tests begin, we generate all the test cases. That’s why we execute anonymous functions and store their results in global variables: randomInts, sortedInts, and reversedInts right at the start. By creating these test cases in the beginning, we ensure that our tests use the same predefined cases. You can find the actual test results below:

Benchmark test functions

func Benchmark_sort_RandomInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(randomInts[i%cases])

func Benchmark_slices_RandomInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(randomInts[i%cases])

func Benchmark_sort_SortedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(sortedInts[i%cases])

func Benchmark_slices_SortedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(sortedInts[i%cases])

func Benchmark_sort_ReversedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(reversedInts[i%cases])

func Benchmark_slices_ReversedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(reversedInts[i%cases])

// Output:
// goos: darwin
// goarch: amd64
// pkg: test
// cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz
// Benchmark_sort_RandomInts
// Benchmark_sort_RandomInts-8       	      67	  15759326 ns/op
// Benchmark_slices_RandomInts
// Benchmark_slices_RandomInts-8     	     141	   8161744 ns/op
// Benchmark_sort_SortedInts
// Benchmark_sort_SortedInts-8       	    4279	    349835 ns/op
// Benchmark_slices_SortedInts
// Benchmark_slices_SortedInts-8     	    9817	    115025 ns/op
// Benchmark_sort_ReversedInts
// Benchmark_sort_ReversedInts-8     	    2364	    454587 ns/op
// Benchmark_slices_ReversedInts
// Benchmark_slices_ReversedInts-8   	    6807	    161754 ns/op

You can observe the benchmarking results in the code above. In each iteration of the benchmarks, we used the test cases generated at the beginning of the test. However, we ensured to create clones of these test cases to prevent modifying the original ones, as all Sort functions work with slices by reference and modify the originals.

The outcome shows that, across all three groups of cases, the sorting solution from the new slices package is remarkably 2.5 times faster than the existing solution from the sort package. Personally, while I was hopeful for improved benchmarking in the new package, I didn’t anticipate such significantly better performance compared to the sort package.

SortFunc and SortStableFunc

In this section, we will explore the SortFunc function and delve into the concept of instability introduced by this package. Before we proceed with the explanation, let’s take a look at the function’s signature:

SortFunc function

func SortFunc[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a, b E) int)

Similar to previous examples, the purpose of SortFunc here is to sort slices that may contain items of any type, not necessarily belonging to the Ordered constraint. However, it’s precisely in these scenarios, where we introduce sorting for more complex types, that we may encounter some instability, as demonstrated below:

SortFunc function example

type TestStruct struct {
    Value int
    Name  string

testData := []TestStruct{
        Value: 1,
        Name:  "first",
        Value: 1,
        Name:  "second",
        Value: 1,
        Name:  "third",
        Value: 1,
        Name:  "four",
        Value: 1,
        Name:  "fifth",
        Value: 0,
        Name:  "sixth",
        Value: 0,
        Name:  "seventh",
        Value: 0,
        Name:  "eight",
        Value: 0,
        Name:  "ninth",
        Value: 0,
        Name:  "tenth",
        Value: 2,
        Name:  "eleventh",
        Value: 2,
        Name:  "twelfth",
        Value: 2,
        Name:  "thirteenth",
        Value: 2,
        Name:  "fourteenth",
        Value: 2,
        Name:  "fifteenth",

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    testCase := slices.Clone(testData)
    slices.SortFunc(testCase, func(a, b TestStruct) int {
        return cmp.Compare(a.Value, b.Value)

// Output:
// [{0 tenth} {0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 ninth} {0 eight} {1 fifth} {1 second} {1 four} {1 third} {1 first} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 tenth} {0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 ninth} {0 eight} {1 fifth} {1 second} {1 four} {1 third} {1 first} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 tenth} {0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 ninth} {0 eight} {1 fifth} {1 second} {1 four} {1 third} {1 first} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 tenth} {0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 ninth} {0 eight} {1 fifth} {1 second} {1 four} {1 third} {1 first} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 tenth} {0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 ninth} {0 eight} {1 fifth} {1 second} {1 four} {1 third} {1 first} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]

In the example above, we introduce a custom struct named TestStruct (quite unexpected, right?). It has two attributes: Value, which we’ll use in the comparison function to determine the item’s position in the sorted slice, and Name, which serves as a description for tracking items’ positions in the slice after sorting, without influencing the sorting logic itself.

For our test data, we’ve created a slice comprising fifteen items (to reveal instability, a slice should have at least 13 items). In this slice, we have three groups of values (1, 2, and 3) with item names uniquely derived from ordered numbers (first to fifteenth). What were the results of execution? The sorting process consistently produced the correctly sorted slice, maintaining the same order of items. However, items that were supposed to change their positions during sorting didn’t preserve their initial order when their values were identical.

For instance, the item named sixth now appears as the second item, right after the tenth item. However, originally, sixth was added to the original slice before tenth. This exemplifies a critical aspect of instability introduced by SortFunc: it doesn’t randomly rearrange identical items with each execution. Instead, one slice will consistently have the same order after sorting, but SortFunc doesn’t guarantee that identical items will retain their original ordering.

To explore how we can address this issue, let’s take a look at the signature of another function:

SortStableFunc function

func SortStableFunc[S ~[]E, E any](x S, cmp func(a, b E) int)

The signature of SortStableFunc is identical to that of SortFunc, so there’s nothing new in this regard. Let’s examine its behavior using the exact same test case we discussed earlier:

SortStableFunc function example

// ....

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    testCase := slices.Clone(testData)
    slices.SortStableFunc(testCase, func(a, b TestStruct) int {
        return cmp.Compare(a.Value, b.Value)

// Output:
// [{0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 eight} {0 ninth} {0 tenth} {1 first} {1 second} {1 third} {1 four} {1 fifth} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 eight} {0 ninth} {0 tenth} {1 first} {1 second} {1 third} {1 four} {1 fifth} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 eight} {0 ninth} {0 tenth} {1 first} {1 second} {1 third} {1 four} {1 fifth} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 eight} {0 ninth} {0 tenth} {1 first} {1 second} {1 third} {1 four} {1 fifth} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]
// [{0 sixth} {0 seventh} {0 eight} {0 ninth} {0 tenth} {1 first} {1 second} {1 third} {1 four} {1 fifth} {2 eleventh} {2 twelfth} {2 thirteenth} {2 fourteenth} {2 fifteenth}]

In this instance, the concept of stability becomes quite evident. Concerning values, the SortStableFunc function also arranges items with the value 0 five times, followed by five occurrences of the value 1, and finally, five instances of the value 2. However, what distinguishes this function is that elements with the same value maintain the same order established during the initialization of the slice. With this function, we can anticipate the order of identical elements. But, are there any consequences to consider? Let’s revisit the benchmark to find out.


To compare the performance of both functions, we’ll use the same setup as in the previous benchmark:

Benchmark test functions

func Benchmark_stable_RandomInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(randomInts[i%cases])
		slices.SortStableFunc(testCase, cmp.Compare[int])

func Benchmark_unstable_RandomInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(randomInts[i%cases])
		slices.SortFunc(testCase, cmp.Compare[int])

func Benchmark_stable_SortedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(sortedInts[i%cases])
		slices.SortStableFunc(testCase, cmp.Compare[int])

func Benchmark_unstable_SortedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(sortedInts[i%cases])
		slices.SortFunc(testCase, cmp.Compare[int])

func Benchmark_stable_ReversedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(reversedInts[i%cases])
		slices.SortStableFunc(testCase, cmp.Compare[int])

func Benchmark_unstable_ReversedInts(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		testCase := slices.Clone(reversedInts[i%cases])
		slices.SortFunc(testCase, cmp.Compare[int])

// Output:
// goos: darwin
// goarch: amd64
// pkg: test
// cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz
// Benchmark_stable_RandomInts
// Benchmark_stable_RandomInts-8       	      33	  30398118 ns/op
// Benchmark_unstable_RandomInts
// Benchmark_unstable_RandomInts-8     	      84	  13595359 ns/op
// Benchmark_stable_SortedInts
// Benchmark_stable_SortedInts-8       	    2229	    509601 ns/op
// Benchmark_unstable_SortedInts
// Benchmark_unstable_SortedInts-8     	    3250	    308542 ns/op
// Benchmark_stable_ReversedInts
// Benchmark_stable_ReversedInts-8     	     285	   4087567 ns/op
// Benchmark_unstable_ReversedInts
// Benchmark_unstable_ReversedInts-8   	    3195	    370620 ns/op

The outcome we observed shouldn’t come as a big surprise, right? After all, why would we need unstable sorting in the first place? As seen in the benchmark results, the efficiency of unstable sorting varies depending on the case, ranging from 50% faster than the stable variant to over 10 times faster! This vividly highlights the significance of having both stable and unstable versions of the function. It also provides us with guidance on how to proceed with these functions: always opt for the unstable one if you aren’t particularly concerned about the order of identical elements.


New version of Golang, 1.21, delivered many new updates, affecting standard library as well. In this article we checked how some functions from slices packages work. Those new functions give us now possibility to more efficiently sort slices than ever before, by using the modern algorithms.

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