Practical DDD in Golang: Domain Service

- 9 minutes read - 1796 words

The story of DDD in Go continues by introducing one of the stateless building blocks - the Domain Service.

After discussing Entity and Value Objects, I will now introduce the third member of the group of Domain-Modeling patterns in this article: Domain Service. Domain Service is perhaps the most misunderstood DDD pattern, with confusion stemming from various web frameworks. In many frameworks, a Service takes on a multitude of roles. It’s responsible for managing business logic, creating UI components such as form fields, handling sessions and HTTP requests, and sometimes even serving as a catch-all “utils” class or housing code that could belong to the simplest Value Object.

However, almost none of the aforementioned examples should be a part of a Domain Service. In this article, I will strive to provide a clearer understanding of its purpose and proper usage.


A critical rule for Domain Services is that they must NOT maintain any state.

Additionally, a Domain Service must NOT possess any fields that have a state.

While this rule may seem obvious, it’s worth emphasizing because it’s not always followed. Depending on a developer’s background, they may have experience in web development with languages that run isolated processes for each request. In such cases, it may not have been a concern if a Service contained state. However, when working with Go, it’s common to use a single instance of a Domain Service for the entire application. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the consequences when multiple clients access the same value in memory.

Use State in Entity

type Account struct {
	ID      uint
	Person  Person
	Wallets []Wallet

Use State in Value Object

type Money struct {
	Amount   int
	Currency Currency

DON’T use State in Domain Service

type DefaultExchangeRateService struct {
	repository      *ExchangeRateRepository
  	useForceRefresh bool

type CasinoService struct {
	bonusRepository BonusRepository
	bonusFactory    BonusFactory
	accountService  AccountService

As evident in the example above, both Entity and Value Object retain states. An Entity can modify its state during runtime, while Value Objects always maintain the same state. When we require a new instance of a Value Object, we create a fresh one.

In contrast, a Domain Service does not house any stateful objects. It solely contains other stateless structures, such as Repositories, other Services, Factories, and configuration values. While it can initiate the creation or persistence of a state, it does not retain that state itself.

A Wrong Approach

type TransactionService struct {
	bonusRepository BonusRepository
	result          Money // field that contains state

func (s *TransactionService) Deposit(account Account, money Money) error {
	bonuses, err := s.bonusRepository.FindAllEligibleFor(account, money)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// some code
	s.result = s.result.Add(money) // changing state of service
	return nil

In the example above, the TransactionService maintains a stateful field in the form of the Money Value Object. Whenever we intend to make a new deposit, we execute the logic for applying Bonuses and then add it to the final result, which is a field inside the Service. This approach is incorrect because it results in the modification of the total whenever anyone makes a deposit. This is not the desired behavior; instead, we should keep the summarization per Account. To achieve this, we should return the calculation as the result of a method, as shown in the example below.

The Right Approach

type TransactionService struct {
	bonusRepository BonusRepository

func (s *TransactionService) Deposit(current Money, account Account, money Money) (Money, error) {
	bonuses, err := s.bonusRepository.FindAllEligibleFor(account, money)
	if err != nil {
		return Money{}, err
	// some code
	return current.Add(money), nil // returning new value that represents new state

The new TransactionService always generates the latest calculations instead of storing them internally. Different users cannot share the same object in memory, and the Domain Service can once again act as a single instance. In this approach, the client of this Service is now responsible for maintaining the new result and updating it whenever a deposit occurs.

It represents behaviors

A Domain Service represents behaviors specific to the Problem Domain. It offers solutions for complex business invariants that cannot be neatly encapsulated within a single Entity or Value Object. Occasionally, a particular behavior may involve interactions with multiple Entities or Value Objects, making it challenging to determine which Entity should own that behavior. In such cases, a Domain Service comes to the rescue.

It’s essential to clarify that a Domain Service is not responsible for handling sessions or requests, has no knowledge of UI components, doesn’t execute database migrations, and doesn’t validate user input. Its sole role is to manage business logic within the domain.

An Example of a Domain Service

type ExchangeRateService interface {
	IsConversionPossible(from Currency, to Currency) bool
	Convert(to Currency, from Money) (Money, error)

type DefaultExchangeRateService struct {
	repository *ExchangeRateRepository

func NewExchangeRateService(repository *ExchangeRateRepository) ExchangeRateService {
	return &DefaultExchangeRateService{
		repository: repository,

func (s *DefaultExchangeRateService) IsConversionPossible(from Currency, to Currency) bool {
	var result bool
	// some code
	return result

func (s *DefaultExchangeRateService) Convert(to Currency, from Money) (Money, error) {
	var result Money
	// some code
	return result, nil

In the example above, we have the ExchangeRateService as an instance. Whenever I need to provide a stateless structure that I should inject into another object, I define an interface. This practice aids in unit testing. The ExchangeRateService is responsible for managing the entire business logic related to currency exchange. It includes the ExchangeRateRepository to retrieve all exchange rates, allowing it to perform conversions for any amount of money.

Another Example of a Domain Service

type TransactionService struct {
	bonusRepository BonusRepository
	accountService  AccountService
	// some other fields

func (s *TransactionService) Deposit(account Account, money Money) error {
	bonuses, err := s.bonusRepository.FindAllEligibleFor(account, money)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// some code
	for _, bonus := range bonuses {
		err = bonus.Apply(&account)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	// some code
	err = s.accountService.Update(account)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

As mentioned, a Domain Service encapsulates business invariants that are too intricate to be confined to a single Entity or Value Object. In the example above, the TransactionService manages the complex logic of applying Bonuses whenever a new deposit is made by an Account. Instead of compelling the Account or Bonus Entities to rely on each other, or worse yet, furnishing expected repositories or services to Entity methods, the more suitable approach is to create a Domain Service. This Service can encapsulate the entire business logic for applying Bonuses to any Account as needed.

It represents contracts

In some scenarios, our Bounded Context relies on others. A common example is a cluster of Microservices, where one Microservice accesses another via a REST API. Frequently, data obtained from an external API is vital for the primary Bounded Context to function. Therefore, within our domain layer, we should have access to that data. It’s imperative to maintain separation between our domain layer and technical intricacies. This means that incorporating integration with an external API or database directly into our business logic is considered a code smell.

This is where the Domain Service comes into play. In the domain layer, I always provide an Interface for the Service as a Contract for external integrations. We can then inject that interface throughout our business logic, while the actual implementation resides in the infrastructural layer.

A Contract on the Domain Layer

type AccountService interface {
	Update(account Account) error

The Implementation on the Infrastructure Layer

type AccountAPIService struct {
	client *http.Client

func NewAccountService(client *http.Client) domain.AccountService {
	return &AccountAPIService{
		client: client,

func (s AccountAPIService) Update(account domain.Account) error {
	var request *http.Request
	// some code
	response, err := s.client.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// some code
	return nil

In the example above, I have defined the AccountService Interface in the domain layer. It serves as a Contract that other Domain Services can utilize. However, the actual implementation is provided through AccountAPIService. AccountAPIService is responsible for sending HTTP requests to an external CRM system or to our internal Microservice, specifically designed for handling Accounts. This approach allows for flexibility, as we can create an alternative implementation of AccountService. For instance, we could develop an implementation that works with test Accounts from a file, suitable for an isolated testing environment.

Domain Service Vs. other types of Services

Up to this point, it’s clear when and why we should provide a Domain Service. However, in some cases, it’s not immediately evident if a Service should also be considered a Domain Service or belong to a different layer. Infrastructural Services are typically the easiest to identify. They invariably encompass technical details, database integration, or interaction with external APIs. Often, they serve as concrete implementations of Interfaces from other layers.

Presentational Services are also straightforward to recognize. They consistently involve logic related to UI components or the validation of user inputs, with Form Service being a typical example.

The challenge arises when distinguishing between Application and Domain Services. I have personally found it most challenging to differentiate between these two types. In my experience, I have primarily used Application Services for providing general logic for managing sessions or handling requests. They are also suitable for managing Authorization and Access Rights.

An Application Service

type AccountSessionService struct {
	accountService AccountService

func (s *AccountSessionService) GetAccount(session *sessions.Session) (*Account, error) {
	value, ok := session.Values["accountID"]
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.New("there is no account in session")
	id, ok := value.(string)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.New("invalid value for account ID in session")
	account, err := s.accountService.ByID(id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return account, nil

In numerous instances, I have employed an Application Service as a wrapping structure for a Domain Service. I adopted this approach whenever I needed to cache something within the session and utilize the Domain Service as a fallback for data retrieval. You can observe this approach in the example above. In this example, AccountSessionService serves as an Application Service, encompassing the functionality of the AccountService from the Domain Layer. Its responsibility is to retrieve a value from the session store and subsequently utilize it to retrieve Account details from the underlying Service.


A Domain Service is a stateless structure that encapsulates behaviors from the actual business domain. It interacts with various objects, such as Entities and Value Objects, to handle complex behaviors, especially those that don’t have a clear home within other objects. It’s important to note that a Domain Service shares only its name with Services from other layers, as its purpose and responsibilities are entirely distinct.

A Domain Service is exclusively relevant to business logic and should remain detached from technical details, session management, handling requests, or any other application-specific concerns.

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